Things to think about
What is good about Aboyne now?
How could we make Aboyne better in the future?
We looked at 14 themes:
Moving around - Public transport - Traffic and parking - Streets and spaces - Natural space - Play and recreation - Facilities and services - Work and local economy - Housing and community - Social interaction - Identity and belonging - Feeling safe - Care and maintenance - Influence and sense of control
These images and themes are from "The Place Standard Tool" which we used to help us build the Local Place Plan for Aboyne. This tool is widely respected for effective and objective community engagement. For more information about the tool, see https://www.ourplace.scot/
The Place Standard team have designed specific resources to help Young People have their say - see here for more information
How easy is it to move around and get to where I want to go?
Things to think about:
Are paths and routes suitable? (Walk, wheel, or cycle, adapted bikes)
Are there enough routes for people to get to where they want to go? (Shops, school, work, parks, public transport)
Are routes attractive and safe? (Good surfaces, well-lit, seating, continuous, clean and clear, free from pollution, all weathers)
Can everyone use them? (All ages and mobility, vision/ hearing impaired, pushchairs and prams, mobility aids, bikes)
Are there any barriers? (Pavement parking, traffic volume/ speed, overgrown hedges, refuse bins; lack of dropped kerbs or tactile paving, no safe crossing points, no safe mobility aid/bike parking or storage)
What is public transport like in Aboyne?
Things to think about:
Is public transport a good option? (Safe and convenient, frequent and reliable, affordable, clean and comfortable, easy to change between services)
Can everyone use services? (Wheelchairs, prams, vision/ hearing impaired, cyclists, all weathers, all times)
Do facilities and services have what people need? (Toilets, seating, shelter from weather, car parking, visual/ audio help points, green/ low emissions, cycle storage, car parking)
Is there information on services? (Easy to find, easy to use, clear and accessible)
Does the public transport system allow people to get to where they need to go if they can’t get there by walking, wheeling or cycling? (Health centre, shops, to meet friends, parks)
How do traffic and parking affect how I move around Aboyne?
Things to think about:
Do people have priority over vehicles? (Traffic calming measures, good pedestrian routes, safe road crossing points)
How does traffic affect people? (Congestion, speed, pollution, noise, fear of vehicles or bicycles, delivery vehicles)
What impact does parking have? (On walking, wheeling and cycling, accessibility of pavements, attractiveness of the area)
What is parking like? (Safe and secure, in a convenient location, accessible for blue badge holders, cars/ bicycles, inconsiderate parking)
Are there options for lower carbon travel? (Bike hire or sharing schemes, e-bikes, park and ride, car clubs, car sharing schemes, electric vehicle charging)
What are the buildings, streets and public spaces like in Aboyne?
Things to think about:
What are streets and spaces like? (Welcoming, distinctive, pleasant, accessible, fun, sheltered, shaded, places to rest, adaptable)
Are there points of interest? (Local landmarks, historic features, public squares, parks and gardens, trees)
Is it easy to find my way around? (Good surfaces, visual features, well signposted, direct and easy routes to follow)
How accessible are spaces for everyone? (Pavement width, crossing points, tactile surfaces, dropped kerbs)
Are there any challenges? (Flooding, derelict buildings, vacant land, pollution, litter, lighting, busy roads, pavement clutter, illegal parking)
How easy is it for me to regularly enjoy natural space?
Things to think about:
What kind of natural spaces are there? (Welcoming, easy to get to, accessible, safe and secure, well-connected, meets my needs)
Can everyone use the spaces? (Disabled people, dog walking, prams and buggies, walking and cycling, local food growing, playing, places to rest)
Are spaces looked after? (Clean, safe, in good order, community volunteers)
What stops people using spaces? (Litter, noise, dog fouling, surface mud/ dirt, air quality, flooding, no seating, overcrowding, no toilets)
How can natural spaces work better for us? (Drainage, rewilding, protect and encourage wildlife and nature, tree planting, cleaner air, shade)
How good are the spaces and opportunities for play and recreation in Aboyne?
Things to think about:
What opportunities are there? (Play, sports, culture, arts, leisure)
Are there places that everyone can enjoy? (Children and young people, adults and older people, non-disabled and disabled, vision/ hearing impaired, locals and visitors)
Are spaces and facilities well used? (Easy to get to, free or affordable, safe and well maintained, fun and welcoming, different times of day or year)
How else could we make the most of what we have? (Streets close to home, vacant and derelict land, playgrounds, natural spaces, libraries and public buildings, hosting activities and events)
Are there any issues? (Access, location, lighting, noise, cost, public toilets, traffic, weather, play not welcomed by the community)
How well do facilities and services in Aboyne meet my needs?
Things to think about:
What facilities and services are there? (Schools and education, health facilities, social care, shops, library and culture, community centres and halls, recycling and repair, healthy food, leisure, gas, electricity and water)
What other support is available? (Charities and clubs, welfare support, community food groups, places of worship, housing and employment advice)
Do the facilities and services meet local needs, now and in the future? (Affordable, all ages, different needs and abilities, responsive to emergencies)
Are facilities and services easy to get to and use? (Within a reasonable walking, wheeling or cycling distance, for disabled people, available online, linked to other services)
Are there other barriers for people? (Unwelcoming, limited healthy choices, language, internet access)
How active is the local economy in Aboyne and are there good opportunities for work, volunteering and training?
Things to think about:
Is there an active local economy? (Able to spend locally (shop/ eat/ drink), mix of businesses, including local and community-owned, opening days/ times)
Is there work available in the local area for those that want it? (A mix of jobs, paid work and volunteering, temporary and permanent, seasonal and part-time positions)
Are there opportunities for people to build skills? (Education, training or retraining, community work, local or accessible nearby)
What support is available? (For people with different needs, employment advice, starting and growing a business, childcare, travel)
Are there any challenges? (Pollution, noise, reliance on a few major employers, broadband, working conditions, closed businesses)
How does the local economy affect how I feel about Aboyne? (Thriving or declining, lots of activity or empty streets, boarded up or attractive buildings)
How well do the homes in Aboyne meet the needs of my community?
Things to think about:
Is there a good mix of housing types? (Different sizes, various prices, privately owned, rented, specialist housing, supported living, multi-generational)
Are residential areas attractive? (Well maintained homes, private and community gardens, well laid out, communal areas)
Are homes and places able to adapt to changing circumstances? (Changing climate, population changes, global health challenges, energy efficiency)
Is there a good community spirit? (Local activities and events, friendly neighbours, welcoming neighbourhoods, intergenerational mixing)
Are there any challenges? (Damp/ draughty homes, secure boundaries, fl ooding, noise and disturbance, homelessness, anti-social behaviour, no storage)
How good is the range of opportunities which allow me to meet and spend time with other people?
Things to think about:
Where do people get together? (Local halls and centres, schools, places of worship, food and drink outlets, streets, outdoor seating, online)
How do people find out what’s happening? (Friends/ family/ neighbours, social media, advertising and posters, local radio and newspapers)
Can everyone join in and mix? (Accessible, friendly, inclusive, welcoming, free or affordable, digital access and skills)
Is there a mix of activities? (Indoor and outdoor groups, kids clubs and pensioner clubs, community activities, events, specialist groups)
Would people come together in a crisis? (Networks, support groups, resources)
Are there any gaps? (Type of activities, type of spaces, use of spaces)
To what extent does Aboyne have a positive identity that supports a strong sense of belonging?
Things to think about:
How strong is the sense of identity and belonging? (Pride, neighbourliness, traditions, local groups)
How does the community celebrate? (History/ heritage/ arts/ music/ culture, sports, public events, social media, our uniqueness, our inclusiveness)
How involved are people in the community? (Volunteering, sharing experiences, support networks, different groups, come together in a crisis)
How welcoming are people in this place? (Friendliness, tolerance and openness, all ages and ethnicities, for disabled people, language, culture)
What do others think of the place and community? (Reputation, profile, community)
How safe does Aboyne make me feel?
Things to think about:
Does everyone feel safe in Aboyne? (Daytime, evening and night-time, children and teenagers, adults and older people, women)
Are there physical barriers or areas that feel unsafe? (Lighting, derelict buildings, empty homes, vacant land, flooding, clean/ clear paths, flooding)
Are there social issues? (Freedom of speech, anti-social behaviour, hate crime, inequality, lack of diversity)
How do we share our concerns? (Neighbourhood watch, reporting crime, social media)
Are there other issues? (Litter and graffiti, hidden or unreported crimes, unsafe at specific times/ certain places, traffic speed and volume)
How well is Aboyne looked after and cared for?
Things to think about:
Are buildings, streets and spaces maintained? (Clean and safe, quick repairs, loved and cared for, accessible to everyone)
Who helps to maintain our place? (Council, community, businesses, others)
Are there any challenges? (Litter and fly-tipping, vandalism, pavement surfaces, changes to services, flooding, extreme weather)
Do we report issues? (Who to, online or to a person, is it easy, how responsive, does this lead to action)
What are local services like? (Cleaning, recycling, property maintenance)
When things happen in Aboyne how well am I listened to and included in decision-making?
Things to think about:
Does the community have a voice? (Confidence to take part, getting involved, influencing decisions, doing things ourselves, do we know and successfully exercise our rights)
Is the community listened to? (Are our needs understood, who do we talk to, how are we consulted, more or less consultation)
Are there effective local groups? (Community council, residents’ association, business groups, charities or lobby groups, building/ user forums, social media)
Do I feel able to take action on my own or with neighbours? (Litter picking, local improvements, working together to take action)
Are there barriers for some people? (Clear language, online/ digital tools, hearing/ vision needs, disabled people, can everyone take part)