Things for Young People to think about

It's important that we hear the voices of everyone in our community, particularly younger people

Young People
(12 and over)

These resources have been designed by the Place Standard team to help Young People aged 12 and over have their say

Those people wanting to help Children (age 6 to 12) can use the dedicated resource on the Our Place website here

Moving around
(= Walking, wheeling and cycling)

How easy is it to walk, wheel or cycle to places I need to and want to go?

You might want to think about:

  • Is it easy for you and your friends, or family, to walk, wheel, cycle and move around in Aboyne? If not, why not?
  • Is there a difference in how easy it is to walk, to wheel and to cycle? How easy is it to move around in Aboyne in a wheelchair or with a pram?
  • What things could change to make it easier and safer to walk, wheel and cycle to school/college/university?
  • What would make it a better place for everyone to get around?
  • What else is important about walking, wheeling, cycling and moving around Aboyne?

Public transport
(= Buses, trains, trams, boats)

How easy is it to get to where I need to or want to go by bus, train or other forms of public transport?

You might want to think about:

  • Where do you need to get to by bus or train (or other public transport)? How often?
  • Is it easy to get to all the places you need to or want to go? If not, why?
  • Apart from free buses, is other public transport a good price for you? If not, what should it be? 
  • Do you feel comfortable using the public transport in Aboyne? Why?
  • What else is important about public transport in Aboyne? 

Traffic and parking

How does traffic in Aboyne affect me when I am out and about?

You might want to think about:

  • What do you think the traffic is like in Aboyne? 
  • Can you cross the roads safely?
  • Have there been many accidents in your area recently? If so, what happened? 
  • Where are the dangerous roads? Why are they dangerous? How can we make them safer? 
  • Is parking in a good place? Does it ever get in your way when you are out and about? 
  • What else is important about traffic and parking in Aboyne?

Streets and spaces
(= Streets, squares and buildings)

What are the spaces for play, recreation, sport and hanging out like in and around Aboyne?

You might want to think about:

  • Are there interesting and beautiful streets, squares and buildings? 
  • Does Aboyne have landmarks? If so what are they like? 
  • Is it easy to know where you are in Aboyne?
  • Do people often get lost in Aboyne?
  • Are there vacant and derelict land in Aboyne?
  • What things could be changed to make the streets, squares and buildings better?
  • What else is important about the streets, squares and buildings in Aboyne? 

Natural space
(= Parks, woods, hills, beaches)

How well am I connected to nature where I live?

You might want to think about:

  • Where are the best places for nature where you live?
  • How easy is it for you to get out regularly to a natural space? 
  • Would you like there to be more nature in Aboyne?
  • Are the natural spaces well taken care of in Aboyne?
  • Are there important places near you for nature which should be protected? Where? Why are they important?
  • What are the parks like? Are there things in the parks for young people and children to do or to participate in?
  • What things could we change to make Aboyne better for nature?
  • Thinking about climate change, what things could we change in Aboyne to help the planet?
  • What else is important about the nature in Aboyne?

Play and recreation
(= Play, hang out, games and hobbies)

What are the streets, squares and buildings like in Aboyne?

You might want to think about:

  • What are they like, and are there enough? 
  • Are some places better to play and hang out in than others? 
  • Why do you like these places? What stops you from using the other spaces/places? 
  • Are there things missing to do in Aboyne? 
  • Do people ever make the wrong assumptions about you when you’re out and about? 
  • What else is important about play, hanging out, games and hobbies in Aboyne? 

Facilities and services
(= Schools, libraries, shops and other services)

What is Aboyne like for accessing services we need?

You might want to think about:

  • What do you think of school/college/university? How easy for you to get there? What could we change about the them to make things better for young people? 
  • Do you have to go far to visit a doctor, dentist, vet or other services that you might need? 
  • Are there libraries or youth cafes you and your friends can go to? What are they like? 
  • Do you know where to go if you need help from the police? If you’ve needed them before, have you felt supported by them? 
  • How easy is it for you to get healthy food and take part in healthy activities that you can afford in Aboyne? 
  • What could we change to make things better for you or other young people who need support or care? 
  • What else is important about services and facilities in Aboyne?

Work and local economy
(= Jobs and places to work)

Are there opportunities for people to work, trained or volunteer locally?

You might want to think about:

  • Are there volunteering opportunities for young people in Aboyne? What kind of volunteering would you like? 
  • Are there opportunities for apprenticeship training in Aboyne? What kind of training are there? 
  • If you have a job, what do you think of it? Is it easy to get to? 
  • If you wanted a job, do you think you could find one in or near Aboyne? 
  • Do your parents or family members work locally or have to travel to work elsewhere? Is it far to travel to work? Can they work from home? 
  • What else is important about jobs and places to work in Aboyne?

Housing and community
(= Homes, friends and neighbours)

Does Aboyne feel like a community?

You might want to think about:

  • Do you enjoy living in Aboyne? What is good / bad about it? 
  • Are there many other young people of your age in Aboyne? Do you know some / many of them? 
  • Are people in Aboyne nice to you and/or nice to other young people?
  • Do the young people Aboyne say what they think and are listened to? 
  • Are there people of different ages and from different cultures living in Aboyne? 
  • What things could we change in Aboyne, to make the housing and community better? 
  • What else is important about homes, friends and neighbours in Aboyne? 

Social interaction
(= Meeting and talking to people)

Are there spaces / places where you go to meet and talk with friends and other local people you trust?

You might want to think about:

  • What are the spaces like, and are there enough? 
  • What would make them better spaces / places for meeting friends and neighbours? 
  • Do you see friends often in places other than school/college/university/work? 
  • What other spaces / places do you think Aboyne needs?
  • What things could you change in Aboyne so that young people can meet each other more?
  • What else is important about meeting people in Aboyne?

Influence and sense of control
(= Having our say and being listened to)

When things happen in Aboyne, how easy is it for me to say what I think and being listened to?

You might want to think about:

  • Have you been asked about what you want in Aboyne before? 
  • If you or someone else in your community wants something to improve, are there people or places you can go to talk about it and help organise activities? 
  • Do you ever feel ignored when trying to give your view?
  • Do the young people in your community say what they think and are listened to?
  • What are the best ways to ask for your views?
  • Have you seen changes happen in your community based on what you or other people have said? 
  • What else is important about having your say and being listened to in Aboyne?

Care and maintenance
(= Fixed, clean and managed)

Are there spaces or buildings that need cleaning up or fixing in the area around me?

You might want to think about:

  • Do you think Aboyne is well looked after? If not, what needs doing?
  • What are the things need fixing? 
  • Where / what are the spaces need cleaning / fixing? 
  • Could there be better use of the spaces or buildings that need fixing / cleaning up? 
  • What are the things that you think Aboyne does not look after well? 
  • What do you and other people do to take care of Aboyne? 
  • What else is important about looking after Aboyne?

Feeling safe

How safe and/or comfortable do I feel in Aboyne?

You might want to think about:

  • Do you ever feel scared in Aboyne?
  • Are there areas where you feel unsafe or uncomfortable? Is it a specific space or specific type of space? 
  • What about these spaces / areas that make you feel this way? 
  • Were the areas more / less safe than they used to be? What has changed? 
  • Are there any social issues that add to you feeling unsafe? 
  • What could change to make you feel safe and comfortable in Aboyne? 
  • How do you share your concerns about feeling safe in Aboyne? Is there someone you can talk to? 
  • What else is important about feeling safe and comfortable in Aboyne? 

Identity and belonging
(= Feeling proud and be a part of)

How proud do I feel about Aboyne?

You might want to think about:

  • What makes you proud about Aboyne? 
  • Do you feel welcomed in Aboyne? How? Why? 
  • Do you have special buildings or monuments in Aboyne? What are they about and what do you think of them? 
  • Are there traditions in Aboyne? If so, how do you celebrate them? 
  • What is the culture like in Aboyne? Do you have celebrations of yours and other people’s traditions? 
  • What would make you or other people feel prouder and part of Aboyne? 
  • Do you feel more or less proud and a part of Aboyne than when you were younger? If so, what has changed to make you feel this way? 
  • What else is important about feeling proud and a part of Aboyne?